Target Gift Card ($500 or other amount) is great for holiday presents on New Year's Eve, Christmas holidays, etc. There are different ways to check your giftcard balance.

Important! You don't have to activate card, it is active by default.

Online Checker Balance| Gift Card Target

The fastest method is to find out you balance online on the official website:

  1. Go to after log in Target. A form will open for entering.
  2. Fill in the number. It consists of 15 characters. It is located under the barcode on the back side opposite the text «Card».
  3. Next step - you must enter the access code, which is located under the barcode and consists of 8 numbers. Letters are not used in the code.
  4. After filling in the data press the Check Balance button.

Note: To access the data it is necessary to scratch off the special protective layer. To do this, you may use a coin, to avoid your fingers getting dirty.

Check Balance by Phone

If you have no Internet access or scopes don't match target gift card you can always call Target hotline at >1-800-544-2943.

  1. Provide the number and secret code to the operator on the phone.
  2. After checking, the consultant will tell how much money is left on the account, and can also check information about the last few transactions.

Important! If the waiting time for the operator's answer exceeds 10 minutes, then it is better to try calling after at least one hour. Because of the large workload it is not often possible to be in touch.

Check Balance by Login

If you registered an account in the system, then you have to sign in login Target:

  1. Go to main site page after log in.
  2. In the menu go to Gift Card.
  3. If no cards is displayed, please click on Save a new Gift Card.
  4. Next step - fill in the data and press Add.

Once the system checks your eGift, you will have access to your info and transactions.

Check Balance at Store

If you are already in the shop, ask any employee or the cashier to scan your card, it will take no more than a minute.

Important: You may also use your card during the sales season.

Latest revision: February 10th, 2025.