After Log in Target account you can track your savings, items for delivery and add a gift card for checking balance. You can also add a Red Card for keeping track of your bonuses.

Sign into Target Account

To sign in login, go to the official page and click 2 times on Sign In.

  1. Fill in the form and indicate your mailbox or mobile number (no need to show +1).
  2. Enter your password. Please note, when you register you have to make it as complicated as possible.
  3. Check the box Keep me signed in. By checking this box you won't have to sign in as often on this device. For your security, it is recommended checking this box only on your personal devices.
  4. Click Sign in.

After the first login you will not need to enter a username, only a password. To change your account, press 2 times Sign Out.

Create your Target Account

To be authorized, you need to register first, so go to

  1. Enter a valid e-mail address. You will receive promotional emails and special offers. You can also unsubscribe if you want.
  2. Write your First and Last Name. Do not use spaces or special characters in these fields, it will be considered as error.
  3. Enter your phone number (three-digit code + seven digits of the number). It is not necessary.
  4. Think carefully about your future password to protect your account from hackers. You should use at least 8 characters, but no more than 20. Meet at least 2 of the 4 requirements below to be accepted:
    • Lowercase letters
    • Uppercase letters
    • Numbers
    • Special characters, except ‹ ›
  5. On the last step, click Create Account.

After registering, add information about yourself, including your birthday, to get special offers on your holiday. There is an option to add a permanent address for convenient delivery orders.

If You Forgot Password

If you make a mistake during login, you can get a new password.

  1. Click on Forgot password? You have two options:
    • Password reset (During this process, a new permanent password will be created).
    • Sign in with temporary code (you will have to change it immediately after login).
  2. Click on Send code.

You will receive an email with Sign-in code (6 digits). You have to enter it in the next field. Then follow the instructions.

Latest revision: September 15th, 2024.