You can call to Target support with questions about shipping, gift cards, product quality, if you need to make a refund, etc. You can also contact the support via online chat or feedback form. HR (Human resources) contact numbers are available too.

Target Customer Service Numbers

To resolve your issue, you will need to decide on a topic (For relay service, please dial 711):

  • 1-800-591-3869 - For website or app orders, for tracking, for returns or cancellations.
  • 1 (800) 888 93 33 - Baby or Wedding Registries. To correct your shopping list.
  • 1 (800) 440 06 80 - To check pricing eligibility .
  • 1 (800) 544 29 43 - Contact to check gift card balance Target.
  • 1 (800) 591 38 69 Online, 1-800-440-0680 at Store - Refunds with or without receipt.
  • 1 (800) 910 68 74 General Merchandise, 1-800-316-6151 Grocery - For quality and product safety questions.
  • 1800 424 68 88 - For Credit Card Target (Red Card) questions if you are in the U.S.
  • 1 (612) 815 99 22 - For Credit Card and Mastercard international calls.
  • 1 (888) 729 73 31 - Free number for questions about your Debit Card.
  • 1 (612) 304 60 73 - Help for Corporate Customers .
  • 1 (800) 591 38 69 - For questions about Target services.
  • 1(800) SHOPCVS - For questions about Pharmacy (partner number).
  • 1-(866) 389 27 27 - Clinic phone number.

Contact via Target Online Chat

  1. Go to for online communication using the website.
  2. Choose a topic from the list and click on the red button Chat Now.
  3. Then you need to log in or enter your contact information and click chat now again.
  4. After authorization, one of the representatives of the customer service will appear with the greeting «Hi! My name is ... . How can I help you today?».
  5. Ask your question in the chat and wait for an answer to resolve the issue.

Contact Target Security Team

If you are facing security problems - lost money from your card or received a strange phone call asking you to send information from Target, etc. You should contact Target security team at:

  • 1 (612) 304 60 73 - The request is related to Guest Relations.
  • 1 (800) 544 29 43 - Inquiry is related to Gift Card .
  • 1 (800) 424 68 88 - Inquiry related to Credit RedCard .
  • 1-(888) 729 73 31 - Inquiry connected with Debit Card.

Important! If you are unable to contact by phone, then email your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..